Monday, March 28, 2011

Bear the fish

This is just a short post to pass on the very tragic and belated news of Bear the fish's most untimely death. He passed on just one week and one day after we were blessed to welcome him into our home. The cause of death is at this time undetermined, although overfeeding and halloween make-up are probable contributants. He was discovered floating calmly among his plastic fern fronds, his favorite and solitary tank decoration. He was discovered by his grieving fishmother and laid to rest by his fishfather in a larger and more fitting tank of water for his situation. He is survived by his fishparents, 2 fishsisters and 2 fishbrothers, all of whom miss him dearly and are also probable contributants.
RIP Bear
2-14-11 to 2-22-11

1 comment:

  1. I am sad about your fish but this is seriously one of the funniest posts I have ever read! That being said, rip bear;)
