Monday, October 18, 2010

Family pictures-misc.

Family pictures-girls

Family pictures-boys

Family pictures-kids

Family pictures, yay!

So we finally got around to having our family pictures taken. I put a bunch of them on here! Ashley Elliott took them for us and she is Jeremy's sister's husbands' sister AKA my sister-in-laws sister-in-law :) She was coming in town, and it was one of those now or never things! I kept waiting for my children to be unscratched and unbruised, but I decided that I could wait around forever for that to happen and still be pictureless. I doubt I'll regret it and years from now sit around looking at the pictures thinking wow I wish I wouldn't have gotten pictures taken cuz Ryan has a bump on his head and Livvy's face is scratched. I am however certain that I would regret not having any at all. Then theres the trying to get everyone in a good mood at the same time.... oh sheesh. Ryan was GRUMPY and there was no way around that one, and Josh was being shy, but at least he wasn't glaring like Ryan! :) I love them though and I like getting those sides of their personalities. I'm already thinking about more pictures of just Livvy. I love pictures of my kids, I could look at them all day. I remember worrying with my first baby, what will they look like? Are we going to have cute kids? What if they're weird looking!? And after having an adorable baby girl and an adorable baby boy, that hasn't been a worry since. Boy or girl, its a guaranteed to be beautiful!

Monday, October 4, 2010

General Conference

So on the tails of my last post I wanted to write a little about General Conference. It was great but now I have a list (insert ominous music here) of more goals and to-do's. 2 of my favorite talks were by President Uchtdorf (when is he NOT a favorite) and Elder Christofferson. Elder Christofferson talked about time and freedom of choice, how are we spending our time? We've made covenants to consecrate our lives to the church and we'll be accountable for our use of time someday (I'm pretty sure that facebook ranks for me somewhere between Really Poor Use of Time, and Colossal Misuse of Time) It was very inspiring and along with President Uchtdorf's talk on essentials and priorities I'm feeling ready for my post-GC-mini-makeover. I always feel good when I take a look at my life and find places I can tweak and improve. Positive change is always good! "Life" tends to veer us off of our path and general authorities with a good dose of the spirit are very good at pointing out where we've misstepped and how to get back on. I was very glad that President Uchtdorf reminded me of the good, better, best concept. There are lots of good things in life, and we need to make sure that they don't distract us from things that are even better and best. Really good timing for me since I'd just gone off the crazy end with all the projects I was wanting to take on. Do you think that Satan likes to distract us with things that are good? When they keep us from those things which are better and best? You betcha. So the conference talks were wonderful and before undergoing my to do list, I'm going to make sure its prioritized correctly. :)

Excuse my ADD

It's fall, yay! Although I'm sad to see summer go, I'm excited for fall. Things are cooling off a little, which is great because our AC broke about a month ago....again. Halloween is coming! I still dont have any of my kids costumes figured out, but in fairness it would be a lot easier if they would just settle on one thing. Theres just something about a season change that gives you a little boost of energy. You can feel something in the air. I'm spring cleaning and trying all sorts of new projects. The house and my family appreciate the cleaning, but the projects? Not so much. I started a blog (tada) and I've also taken up crocheting. I have all these thoughts in my head of adorable crocheted hats this fall and winter. I have crafty gift ideas for family birthdays and christmas coming up as well and I really need to fit in some regular exercise. On top of this I want to take up photography. My library hold list is filling up with all kinds of how-to books. This has happened before and I ended up with 2 giant totes of scrapbook supplies under my bed. I'm trying really hard not to go overboard so I dont burn myself out in 2 weeks and quit all of this. This all sounds do-able right? HAHAHA, I'll keep you updated!